


                                                Far Rockaway Cultural Performance Arts



Summer June 27 2015 S.E.Y.P. Launch



                                 On Line Usage                                  




For The Following offer Make sure you go to the     Membership Link.      

                   Membership and Donation Special

Below please fine the "Yellow and Blue"Donate button. and join us today.

                                          for just $5.00

                            Expires Dec. 31 2015

For a one time introductory fee for one year, Yes you are reading it right, just     $ 5.00. This is no "Gimmick, Trick,  Con, Game or attempt to insult your intelligence. The reason why we are able to offer such a fee is because of the large demograpic area we are able to service. We offer:

                      **************Ages 5 through 80***************

(1). Cinematography / Film Instructions (2). Music Production  (3). Animation and Graphic Designs  (4). Hosted Television Programs  (5). Original and Traditional Film Productions (6).Theatre (7). Martial Arts  (8). Acting and Training activities (9). After School Programs ages 6 through 17 (10) Art Exhibitions (11). Daily News and Talk Show Programming (12). The Food & Garden Show (13). Live Concert Productions (14). Lighting Productions. ** Dance Club Entertainment for Teens and Adults, Local and Celebrity performances.

************** You are Limited to four enrolled activities***************

* Once you have fully completed any of the listed activities above, you will be eligible for employment with Far Rockaway Cultural Performance Arts. based on your choices ( Must be 16 years minimum)

Parents register your child for our current and all year long after school programs. Parents register "Today" for Our Summer Camp 2016. All of the above activity will be part of your child's Summer activities. We will also be offereing "Skate and Skateboard" lessons.

Register today by Mailing in your "Membership or Donation to our Central office :

                     Far Rockaway Cultural Performance Arts

                           227- 41 113th Drive Queens Village

                                         New York 11429


 Use the formate below to Register or Donate by mail, and remember.      any "Donation" of $5.00 dollars or more, automatically gives you "Membership Status" for one year,This offer Expires 12/2015

Name___________________________ Phone Contact___________________



City / Town__________________State____________ Zip_________________

Age ________ Sex_______ Inticate your four Choices_[___]____]____]___]

 Or once again use the online method as given at the top of this registration form.


                                              Phone Contacts :                                          
              Mr. Emery Jones  917 -687-5833              
The Beliefs of A People                                          Mr. Elijah White
                               The Love of A Community                                          718 - 813 - 5633


Call Us at (917) 687-5833

Early Childhood Development Programming

Shore Front  Place will be a current realistic "Live"interactive program, which will enhance its young viewers by the charming playful company of familiar jungle animals, whose misfortune while traveling across the sea, eventually become beached on the barren shore front of Far Rockaway Queens New York. The historical storm named Sandy has placed them all to experience some major life changing events now at their new residency, which will teach them things they never thought possible, while sharing their lives with a live audience of children from all over the entire Rockaway peninsula.

The animal characters have made the beach front area of the Rockaway pennisula their home. As they live out their lives in mischef and great fun, while learning various  educational methodologies, the importance and value of being a family and experiencing endless examples of being responsible, as well as making moral decisions of the right and wrong way of handling life’s forever changing events.

The program’s design will incorperate, pyscological and emotional methodolgies of today’s educational standards, to assist the pre- schooler to benefit from a “Whole Life, Real World focus of intellectual as well as emotional development.

Urie-Bronfenbrenner-(1917-2005) - The community a child lives in and the school(s) he or she attends, the Exo System, also have a substantial amount of influence on his social emotional development; in particular, the early childhood program he attends, and the relationships he establishes with his teacher or provider.